What Makes The New SMARTfx Health and Wellness Beverage Unique?

Following the messages and concerns expressed by health professionals and health-conscious individuals about caffeine, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, artificial flavours, artificial colours, and high sugar contents in popular drinks, the new SMARTfx Health and Wellness Beverage was developed to satisfy the current needs of the health conscious consumer.
SMARTfx Health and Wellness Beverages are lightly sweetened with blend of juices & stevia leaf extract. Beneficial ingredients included in each of the beverages are:
Panax ginseng – known to help rejuvenate, enhance energy and alertness, and reduce stress and fatigue
ginkgo biloba – a smart herb known to enhance blood circulation and improve memory
Inulin Soluble Fiber – a prebiotic that can help to improve digestive health
Each drink also contains at least one of Flax Seed, Chia Seed and Hemp Seed extracts for additional health benefits.
SMARTfx Health and Wellness Beverage are light and low in calories, well balanced with flavour and taste, and packed in convenient, single serving cans with clean and clear labelling. No caffeine, preservatives, artificial flavours, artificial colours or carbonation. Extensive search shows that there are currently no such drinks on the market with so many beneficial ingredients.
by Shanti Ghosh, Food Technologist, based on publicly available website information and printed materials. (These statements are for educational purposes only without any medical claims.)